This table presents nominal data. Actual values, provided with each standard, may vary slightly from lot to lot and formulations are subject to change. If your application requires close conformity with published nominal values, please contact technical service to obtain the actual viscosity values associated with the current formulation.
Viscosity & Flash Point Standards

CANNON Instrument Company has been a leader in viscosity measurement since 1938, providing a broad range of viscosity standards and flash point reference materials to customers across various industries. Our standards calibrate and verify the performance of glass capillary viscometers, automated kinematic viscometers, rotational viscometers, falling ball viscometers, cup viscometers, tapered bearing simulator viscometers and flash point testers.
Use of high quality standards and reference materials ensures test reliability and accuracy. This is why the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) delegated responsibility to CANNON for U.S. national standards for certified liquid viscosity reference standards in 2003.
All CANNON viscosity standards are traceable to a NIST calibration and prepared in our ISO 9001-registered, A2LA-accredited laboratory. CANNON Instrument Company holds ISO 17025 and Guide 34 accreditation (certificates 1262.01 and 1262.02) from A2LA for competency in manufacture and certification of reference materials. ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation further demonstrates our technical competence in calibration including the determination of kinematic and dynamic viscosity of standards as well as viscosity certification of customer samples. CANNON performs calibrations using the master viscometer procedures detailed in ASTM D2162. For additional details see Quality Certifications.
All standards are shipped with an expiration date between 18 and 24 months from the date the order is processed.
ASTM D445, ASTM D5293, ASTM D4684, ASTM D4052
CANNON certified viscosity check oils verify SAE target viscosities for kinematic viscometers, cold-cranking simulators, and mini-rotary viscometers per ASTM D445, D5293, and D4684 respectively. Density meter verification via ASTM D4052 can also be conducted. Each check oil contains a commercial engine oil with certified values at common blend target values for density in g/cm³ (g/mL) at 15 °C, kinematic viscosity in mm²/s (cSt) at 40 °C and 100 °C as well as cranking and pumping viscosities in mPa•s (cP) at SAE J300 specification temperatures. CANNON certified viscosity check oils are available in 1 L (quart) and 3.8 L (gallon) sizes.
CANNON flash point reference materials are produced in accordance with ASTM D56, Tag Closed Cup Flash Point, ASTM D92, Cleveland Open Cup Flash Point and ASTM D93, Pensky Marten Closed Cup Flash Point. Lot specific data including average flash point and observed standard deviation from a statistical analyis of 40 tests in 20 different laboratories is provided with each standard. Flash Point Reference Materials are sold in 200 mL bottles.
Nominal flash point values of flash point reference materials
Catalog Number Flash Point Standard ASTM D56Nominal Flash Point (°C)ASTM D92Nominal Flash Point (°C)ASTM D93Nominal Flash Point (°C)9727-A10 FPRM10* 50 — 55 9727-A15 FPRM11 66 — 72 9727-A20 FPRM14 — 116 113 9727-A25 FPRM16 — 137 132 9727-A30 FPRM2D — 163 155 9727-A35 FPRM4D — 224 218 9727-A40 FPRM9D — 274 — *Incurs additional shipping charges due to low flash point
This table presents nominal data. Actual values, provided with each standard, may vary slightly from lot to lot and formulations are subject to change. If your application requires close conformity with published nominal values, please contact technical service to obtain the actual viscosity values associated with the current formulation.
ASTM D4212, ASTM D1200
CANNON flow cup viscosity standards are for use in Zahn, Shell and Ford flow cups. Lot specific kinematic viscosity data in mm²/s (cSt) and calculated cup drain times are provided with each standard. Nominal values at 25 °C are shown in the associated table. Data is also provided at 20 °C and 23 °C
ASTM D445, ASTM D446, ISO 3104, ISO 3105
All CANNON general purpose viscosity standards meet the precision specifications of ASTM D445/446 and ISO 3104/3105. Lot specific data is provided with each standard.
ASTM D4683, D4741, D5481, D6616
CANNON high temperature high shear viscosity standards are produced in accordance with:
- ASTM D4683 Measuring Viscosity of New and Used Engine Oils at High Shear and High Temperature by Tapered Baring Simulator Viscometer at 150 °C
- ASTM D4741 Viscosity at High Temperature and High Shear Rate by Tapered Plug Viscometer
- ASTM D5481 Apparent Viscosity at High-Temperature and High-Shear Rate by Multicell Capillary Viscometer.
- ASTM D6616 Tapered Bearing Simulator (TBS) test at 100 °C applies to certain standards
Lot specific viscosity data in mPa·s (cP) is provided with each standard.
ASTM D2170, ASTM D2171
CANNON high viscosity standards cover viscosity ranges of particular interest for asphalt and polymer viscosity determinations. See ASTM D2170, Kinematic Viscosity of Asphalts (Bitumens) and D2171, Viscosity of Asphalts by Vacuum Capillary Viscometer. Lot specific kinematic viscosity data in mm²/s (cSt) and dynamic viscosity data in mPa·s (cP) is provided with each standard as appropriate.
ASTM D2983, ASTM 3829, ASTM 4684, ASTM 5293, ASTM D6821, ASTM D6896, SAE J300
CANNON low temperature viscosity standards verify viscometer performance at sub-zero temperatures. These standards are applicable to SAE Specification J300 as well as a variety of ASTM methods including ASTM D2983, Low-Temperature Viscosity of Lubricants Measured by Brookfield Viscometer, ASTM D3829, Predicting the Borderline Pumping Temperature of Engine Oil, ASTM D4684, Determination of Yield Stress and Apparent Viscosity of Engine Oils at Low Temperature, ASTM D6821, Low Temperature Viscosity of Drive Line Lubricants in a Constant Shear Stress Viscometer, ASTM D6896, Determination of Yield Stress and Apparent Viscosity of Used Engine Oils at Low Temperature and ASTM D5293, Apparent Viscosity of Engine Oils and Base Stocks Between –5 °C and –35 °C Using Cold-Cranking Simulator.
CANNON silicone viscosity standards are intended for use with rotational viscometers only. Silicone viscosity standards are not recommended for glass capillary viscometers (including vacuum viscometers), metal cup-type viscometers (such as ISO, Zahn, Ford and Shell cups), or any other viscometers providing kinematic viscosity—CANNON hydrocardon-based oil standards should be used for these types of viscometers.
CANNON silicone viscosity standards are specifically formulated for use with rotational viscometers. Lot specific viscosity data in mPa·s (cP) at 20 °C, 23 °C, 24 °C, 25 °C, 26 °C, 27 °C and 40 °C is provided with each standard. Viscosity standards are sold in 500 mL bottles.
Nominal viscosity values of silicone viscosity standards at 25 °C
Catalog Number Viscosity Standard Approximate Viscosity
in mPa·s (cP) at 25 °C9727-Z10 RT5* 4.6 9727-Z14 RT10* 9.4 9727-Z18 RT50* 48 9727-Z22 RT100* 96 9727-Z26 RT500* 480 9727-Z30 RT1000* 960 9727-Z34 RT5000* 4800 9727-Z38 RT12500* 12000 9727-Z42 RT30000* 29000 9727-Z46 RT60000* 58000 9727-Z50 RT100000* 97000 * Density values provided at all test temperatures for indicated standard
Thomas-Stormer viscosity standards calibrate manual and electronic Thomas-Stormer viscometers. The KREBS UNIT (KU) is often used for Thomas-Stormer viscometers. Lot specific viscosity data (in cP and KU) is provided with each standard at 23 °C, 24 °C, 24.5 °C, 25 °C, 25.5 °C and 26 °C.
Nominal viscosity values of Thomas-Stormer viscosity standards at 25 °C
Catalog Number Viscosity Standard Approximate Viscosity mPa·s (cP) Krebs Unit (KU) 9727-Y10 S200 [KU]* 350 62 9727-Y15 N350 [KU]* 600 73 9727-Y20 K400 [KU]* 940 84 9727-Y25 S600 [KU]* 1050 87 9727-Y30 N1000 [KU]* 2000 106 * Density values provided at all test temperatures for indicated standard
CANNON SimpleVis viscosity standards verify the performance of the CANNON SimpleVIS automated viscometer. Lot specific kinematic viscosity data is provided at 20 °C, 25 °C, 40 °C, and 100 °C.
Nominal viscosity values of SimpleVIS viscosity standards
Catalog Number Viscosity Standard Approximate viscosity in mm²/s (cSt) 20 °C
68 °F25 °C
77 °F40 °C
104 °F100 °C
212 °F03.5942.004 SV3 4.6 4 — — 03.5946.004 SV20 44 34 — — 03.5950.004 SV35 — — 32 — 03.5954.004 SV350 — — 310 32 03.5958.004 SV1400 — — — 120 This table presents nominal data. Actual values, provided with each standard, may vary slightly from lot to lot and formulations are subject to change. If your application requires close conformity with published nominal values, please contact technical service to obtain the actual viscosity values associated with the current formulation.