AAP-6CP Automatic Cloud Point Tester for Surfactants



Model aap-6cp automates the cloud point test of nonionic surfactants.

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Model aap-6cp automates the cloud point test of nonionic surfactants.

Model aap-6cp automates the cloud point test of nonionic surfactants.

  • Ergonomically color-coordinated display for high visibility and intuitive switch operation.
  • Enhanced versatility including Ethernet for LIMS, USB port for flash memory or keyboard, password protection and data storage (max.200 results).
  • All-in-one chassis design: compact, light weight and premier exterior.

User-friendly measuring cell
The measuring cell can be easily removed and water jacketed meauring cells are also available as an option for sub-ambient temperature.

Easy operation
Just sample the specimen, enter the expected cloud point,and press the START key; all the rest of the test procedures such as eating,
cooling and cloud point detection are performed automatically.